Event yang akan di gelar pada tanggal 11 s/d 12 Juni mendatang ini adalah sebuah usaha untuk memberikan apresiasi kepada Brian Schroeder a.k.a PUSHEAD. Pioner band Septic Death di awal 80an ini adalah pemilik recod Pusmort yang telah menelorkan beberapa band punk/trash metal seperti Poison Idea dan Final Conflict. Teknik menggambarnya yang menganut gaya pointillism memberikan citra tersendiri bagi PUSHEAD. Dia juga telah menggambar untuk Metallica dan the Misfits, dan beberapa band punk/trash metal lainya. selain itu gambarnya juga dirilis NIKE untuk brand Nike SB Dunks dan beberapa papan skate.
PUSHEAD adalah semarak tengkorak, begitu teman saya menyebutnya. Banyak karyanya bertemakan horor, tengkorak dan fragile. Dengan teknik menggambar manual yang begitu detail, menciptakan daya tarik tersendiri. Sangat trash atau benar-benar punk. Situs resmi yang bisa di kunjungi untuk mengetahui tentang PUSHEAD ada di http://www.pusfan.com .
Tujuan dari acara ini sebenarnya adalah bersenang-senang dengan cara berkarya. Mengapresiasi perjalanan karir PUSHEAD, dan bersilaturahmi dengan teman-teman yang juga gemar berkarya. Terutama untuk mengumpulkan teman-teman yang support dengan PUSHEAD itu sendiri dan memberikan tempat untuk berkarya. ya, intinya adalah terus berkarya.
Pada awalnya acara ini di rencanakan untuk tanggal 28 s/d 29 Mei, karena terkendala sesuatu dan beberapa hal, kami pihak panitia memutuskan untuk mundur menjadi tanggal 11 s/d 12 Juni. dengan sosialisasi yang cukup kami yakin publik akan memberikan respon yang cukup.
Adalah AIOLA Store, yang sedang berbenah dan menyebarkan semangat Go Green-nya. beralamatkan di Jl. Slamet No.16 Surabaya - Indonesia. yang akan menjadi tempat dan sudah berbaik hati menyediakan ruangan untuk acara ini.
Apa yang kami harapkan dari acara ini ? sebuah penghormatan yang layak untuk tiap-tiap karya yang telah di buat. Bukan hanya untuk PUSHEAD, tetapi untuk semuanya. Berapa orang yang mengenal PUSHEAD atau mengetahui karya-karyanya, begitu pula kita, sebagai praktisi atau pun artis, atau hanya penikmat. kadangkala sedikit senyuman untuk sebuah usaha di balik pembuatan sebuah karya di perlukan sebagai reward yang lebih bermakna. Saat ini kami sebagai panitia mengajak anda untuk meng-apresiasi karya-karya seorang PUSHEAD, siapa tahu di lain waktu andalah yang akan di arpresiasikan oleh sekelompok pelaku seni lainya.
Proses pembuatan karya di sini tidak di batasi. kami tidak memunculkan margin tertentu untuk setiap bentuk karya. Tetapi tetap koridornya adalah untuk mengapresiasi karya PUSHEAD, agar terjadi benang merah antara tiap partisipan, kami mengharapkan dengan sangat hal tersebut di perhatikan.
Panitia di acara ini adalah :
PutuHendra || Public Relation - 0856 486 857 09
RediMurti || Illustration - 0857 327 836 27
IyanFabian || Art Direction - 0856 481 758 06
Trimakasih kami ucapkan untuk Aiola, Garasi, Kue Rin, dan Hello World untuk support awal pada acara ini. Kami juga menerima penawaran media partner di bidang publikasi, untuk pra atau review event.
Poster dan beberapa tatacara submission nantinya akan di update di blog ini. Soo stay tuned folks ..
Event will be in title on the 11th until 12 June this is an effort to give appreciation to Brian Schroeder a.k.a PUSHEAD. Septic Death pioneer band in the early 80s is the owner of recod Pusmort who has instituted several bands of punk / thrash metal like Poison Idea and Final Conflict. Technique of drawing that embraces the style of Pointillism provide separate images for PUSHEAD. He also has been drawing for Metallica and the Misfits, and some bands punk / thrash metal other. besides that the picture was also released for the brand NIKE Nike SB Dunks and some skate board.
PUSHEAD is lively skull, so my friends call it. Many of his works themed horror, skull and fragile. With manual drawing techniques such detail, creating a special attraction. Very truly trash or punk. The official website can be visited to find out about PUSHEAD in http://www.pusfan.com.
The purpose of this event is actually a way to have fun with work. Appreciate PUSHEAD career, and stay in touch with friends who also liked to work. Primarily to gather the support of friends with PUSHEAD itself and provide a place to work. yes, the point is to continue working.
At first this event was planned for 28 s / d 29 May, because of constrained something and some things, we the committee decided to retreat into the 11th until 12 June. with adequate socialization we are confident the public will provide a sufficient response.
Is AIOLA Store, which is clean and spread the spirit of its Go Green. addressed at Jl. Slamet No.16 Surabaya - Indonesia. which will be the venue and has kindly provided space for this event.
What we expect from this event? a decent respect to each and every work that has been made. Not just for PUSHEAD, but for everything. How many people who know PUSHEAD or know his work, and so did we, as practitioners or any artist, or just lovers. sometimes a little smile for a business behind the making of a work in need as the rewards more meaningful. Currently we as a committee invites you to her appreciation of the works of a PUSHEAD, who knows the next time you are the will of appreciation by a group of other performers.
The process of making the work here is not the limit. we do not bring up certain margin for every form of work. But still the corridors is to appreciate the work PUSHEAD, so there is a red thread between each participant, we expect these very things in the note.
The committee at this event are:
PutuHendra | | Public Relations - 0856 486 857 2009
PUSHEAD is lively skull, so my friends call it. Many of his works themed horror, skull and fragile. With manual drawing techniques such detail, creating a special attraction. Very truly trash or punk. The official website can be visited to find out about PUSHEAD in http://www.pusfan.com.
The purpose of this event is actually a way to have fun with work. Appreciate PUSHEAD career, and stay in touch with friends who also liked to work. Primarily to gather the support of friends with PUSHEAD itself and provide a place to work. yes, the point is to continue working.
At first this event was planned for 28 s / d 29 May, because of constrained something and some things, we the committee decided to retreat into the 11th until 12 June. with adequate socialization we are confident the public will provide a sufficient response.
Is AIOLA Store, which is clean and spread the spirit of its Go Green. addressed at Jl. Slamet No.16 Surabaya - Indonesia. which will be the venue and has kindly provided space for this event.
What we expect from this event? a decent respect to each and every work that has been made. Not just for PUSHEAD, but for everything. How many people who know PUSHEAD or know his work, and so did we, as practitioners or any artist, or just lovers. sometimes a little smile for a business behind the making of a work in need as the rewards more meaningful. Currently we as a committee invites you to her appreciation of the works of a PUSHEAD, who knows the next time you are the will of appreciation by a group of other performers.
The process of making the work here is not the limit. we do not bring up certain margin for every form of work. But still the corridors is to appreciate the work PUSHEAD, so there is a red thread between each participant, we expect these very things in the note.
The committee at this event are:
PutuHendra | | Public Relations - 0856 486 857 2009
RediMurti | | Illustration - 0857 327 836 27
IyanFabian | | Art Direction - 0856 481 758 2006
Thank we wish to Aiola, Garage, Rin Cake, and Hello World for initial support at this event. We also receive offers media partners in the field of publications, for a pre or review event.
Posters and some submission procedures will be updated on this blog.So stay tuned folks ..
Posters and some submission procedures will be updated on this blog.So stay tuned folks ..
dijakarta kapan ? :)
BalasHapuskita cm ngadainya d sby bro .. ikutan aja yg d sby :)